Terrace, Ingolstadt

pur natur Terrace Kollin 35x110mm up to 4,6m white lye
pur natur Substructure Douglas 45x90mm up to 4,6m  

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In this project, approx. 50 m² of pur natur »Kollin« boards with a width of 35mm were laid. To direct the gaze from the interior rooms towards the outside, and thus optically enlarge the room, the boards were laid in the corridor to the interior rooms. The straight-lined vertical age rings of the »Kollin« boards reinforce this effect. The surface of this roof terrace was treated with white-pigmented wood lye. This gives the wood additional protection and a particularly even, silver-grey patina can be achieved. When laying the terrace, care was taken to arrange the details particularly cleanly and precisely. The quality of the terrace is thus underlined, especially in the overall picture.

Terrace with wooden planks

»The vertical age rings create a straight-lined appearance.«

Large terrace with wooden planks and railing

»The Kollin terrace boards give an incredibly soft barefoot feel!«

Detail of the terrace planks with recessed space for drain pipe

»Details matter! Cleanly arranged details give the terrace a high-quality overall appearance.«